Course Schedule

Schedule is tentative. Check regularly for updates. Readings beginning with “E” are from Eisenstein’s Natural Language Processing, while readings beginning with “JM” are from Jurafsky and Martin’s Speech and Language Processing.

1/14 Two Cultures of Linguistics E1
1/17 Two Cultures of Linguistics (Part 2) and Logistic Regression E2.1-2.2;4.1;4.3-4.4; JM4
1/24 Logistic Regression (Part 2) E2.5-2.7; JM5 HW1 Out
1/28 Logistic Regression (Part 3) 1 2
1/31 Evaluation; and Perceptrons: 1 (old 1 2) E2.3-2.4;2.8
2/4 Structured Prediction 1 2 (old)
2/7 Multilayer Perceptrons 1 E3.1-3.3; JM7;E7.1-7.5
2/11 Multilayer Perceptrons (Part 2) JM6;E6.1-6.2;6.4-6.5; JM3 HW1 Due
2/14 Multilayer Perceptrons (Part 3)
2/25 Distributional Semantics 1
2/28 Parsing